Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Student Travel

I never had the chance to travel to different countries when I was in high school or college. It would have been a different experience, no doubt about that. My mom was so overly protective. Even with a tour in nearby towns, she wouldn't approve. If I become a mom, I wouldn't do that to my child. I would let my child experience travelling to different cities and countries at an early age if I can afford it.

Anyhow, I've seen a lot of student tours. There was one time in Universal Studios. The students were speaking in a different language. How can the school organized such a big party travel? I heard a co-worker of mine talking about her daughter participating her school's student travel Europe program. One particular company that provides educational tours for students around the world is Hemisphere Travel. They provide international and US tour packages with the guaranty of meeting or beating other offers with the same tour packages. They even have a tour for Broadway! Nice!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I agree with you. Parents like me should not deprive the youngsters to go and see other places, with some guidance if needed. As the saying goes, "Enjoy life while you are young, long afterwards it will be gone". So to you, enjoy your youth while you have it. God bless!
