Friday, June 27, 2008

Beauty Secret Tag

I was blog hopping and found this tag which I didn't hesitate to snag. I don't have a beauty secret. I'm not "maarte" as what others call it but because of pimples, I have to resort on using some products and a little bit of make up everyday to have at least a clean presentable face at work.

Now, here they are...

My Foundation: None

My Mascara: Max Factor
My Blush: Sheer Cover
My Day Cream: Aveeno
My Lipstick: Bare Essentials
My Essential Beauty Product: Proactiv
My favorite Make-up product: Sheer Cover
My Perfume: L by Gwen, Romance by RL, Gucci, CKIn2U
My Nails: Anise
My Feet: Anise
My hands: Victoria Secret, Bath & Body Works
Women I admire for their beauty: Nicole Kidman, Jessica Parker
Women with the best Sense of Style: Nicole Kidman, Jessica Alba
My ultimate dream: To meet God
My favorite fashion Publication: Cosmopolitan

Now I am curious if these pretty friends of mine have beauty secrets.
Tagging: Gie, Kim, Mica, Hailey, Kate, Eds, Em & Lutchi

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Norberto Diaz

"A great teacher loves teaching others to love learning."

Who is Norberto "Bert" Diaz? He was not just an ordinary principal but has earned the reputation of being one who is "totally dedicated" to the success of his students. He was a former music teacher and educator that holds a Master's of Arts Degree in Public School Administration and and in Music Education. He has served public education for over two decades. He 's very popular not only because he's a talented performer and leader but because of his personality, years of experience and dedication to good education mixed with much enthusiasm and energy. Learn more about him at his blog at

Excercise..Be Wise!

Tonight, I'm here again in front of my computer blogging. I'm so guilty of not exercising regularly. Before, I used to dance in the morning before I go to work. Funny but that's the only way I can have time to flex my muscles and be active. Last year, I started to go to the gym but I got lazy and work came in the way so I just stopped.

Anyway, to those who are able to maintain or make it a point to maintain an exercise routine, I am so impressed. Everybody knows that exercise is good for the body and actually makes you happy. So what are the benefits of exercise? These are the things I believe are the benefits.

* Increase strength
* Longevity
* fight chronic disease and health conditions
* maintain healthy weight
* relieve stress
* more self-confidence
* slow aging

So, we should get up and moving. I should walk tomorrow or go to the gym. I don't know, I'm just so lazy these days. Bad, bad, bad...See the picture below. I, for sure, wouldn't want to be like the person in the car if ever I have a pet.

found at spacedust

Cordless vacuums

Have you ever been in a situation where visitors come unannounced and that you have to scramble to get the house cleaned and vacuumed? And you mutter to yourself that you should have done it way before so you could have avoided such embarrassing situation?

Here in the US, at least people call or inform you first that they are coming. I'm still not good though. I have been thinking about buying a cordless vacuum not only for the use in the house but also for the car. We have two vacuums actually but they're heavy and not very versatile. And I'm sure they eat a lot of electricity because of the size and the weight. I want something that I can carry and use everywhere without me worrying of tripping over cords, weight and energy consumption. A vacuum with an Energy Star approval so I know that they guarantee the use of less energy whatever the percentage is.


Now I've heard about Dirt Devil from a friend at work. She actually bought one. When she told me, I hesitated to check about it because again, I want to avoid high electricity bills. Or maybe, I'm just lazy and making a lot of excuses in order not to buy the product? Whatever the reason is, I didn't but now I want to know more.

Sponsored by Dirt Devil AccuCharge

Wednesday, June 25, 2008


When we went to Orlando weeks ago, we stayed at the Bonnet Creek Resort. I and my friends are very thankful to Gie for giving us the opportunity to stay there for 2 nights and 3 days through her timeshare ownership. It was very enjoyable vacation and one of the reasons why is because of the wonderful place we stayed at.

See picture attached. We were at the 8th floor of one of the condo complexes. She booked a two bedroom and two baths condo with a jacuzzi. It was like a home. We brought food supplies and a rice cooker to cook our favorite rice and meals. We didn't have to bring utensils, plates, glasses, pots and pans, toaster and other kitchen supplies because everything was all there. Aside from cooking, we had a karaoke session because the place has its own entertainment center, we washed and ironed clothes and we chatted and went online because there was available internet connection. Everything was so convenient and the place had swimming pools, gymn, internet center, mini golf and much more. There's no way to get bored there. If you are an owner, you get the quality services and amenities all free. It's so nice to have a timeshare, I just can't afford it. hehehe.. Anyways, I can dream, can't I?

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Menstrual Stem cell research

Stem cell reasearch has always been controversial. What with cloning and other types of stem cell researches that raised eyebrows and challenged the beliefs of people.

Think about the future and the diseases that has been growing in number and becoming powerful. C'elle stem cell research aims to empower women to prepare for the future through collection of cells from the "unsanitary" menstrual blood. This could be a life saving investment since it will be used to research on combating diseases and other life threathening illnesses.

Interested? Right now, C'elle has an ongoing promotion.Learn about C'elle Order Now Special Promotion Code: OL and get a free super-chic C'elle travel satchel.

Monday, June 23, 2008

The World Class Professions

Thanks Vicy for tagging me! I really appreciate the thought of including me in this tag.


1. Copy and paste everything to a new post and Add your name next to your profession (or profession-to-be for undergrads) in the list. Make sure your name is linked to your blog/webbie.
Tip: For easier capture of links, paste into your blog using the “Visual” (for WP) and Compose (for Blogger) modes (not Edit HMTL or HTML).

2. If your profession is not in the list then simply add it to the correct alphabetical place. For example, if you want to add PLUMBER then it should be placed in between ONCOLOGIST and QUEEN.

3. Tag as many people as you can and witness how your technorati will explode!

4. Don’t forget to link back. In your case, link back HERE.


Accountant - Inaj,

Blogger - Chikai, Tere, Francine, Cherie, Chez , Kurdapya,Vicy

Doctor -Nurse - Mckhoii,

Stay-at-Home-Mom - Tere, Mai, Alpha, Yen, Kurdapya

Teacher -University Employee - Suzanne

Housewife - Francine, Cherie, Chez , Kurdapya

I am tagging the following people:

Gie, Kim, Hailey, Mica, Anne, Chy, Craig, Edna, Em, Ester, Florence, Joy, Lourdz,

Payday Loans

Are you currently suffering from money problems and need cash right away? Of course you want it fast and easy and hassle free. You might want to try to apply for a Loan Payday. It's a way to get the needed cash without having to worry about credit scores or histories. You can even apply online and you'll get approved through answering some simple requirements in as little as an hour. Now why do they call it Payday Loans? It's made available to people who need cash but their paydays are just too far away to be able to use them.

Travel To Seven Continents

Since we speak English here, I want to say thank you Hailey for this tag! You're the best!

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Rules :
1. Start Copy from "Begin Copy" until "End Copy".
2. Put your blog's name and url write in which continent you live, add the country you live in. Example : My Imaginary Travels (Netherlands)
3. Leave your url post in here and I'll add you to the Master List.
4. Please help spread this tag by tagging your friends as much as you can.
5. Don't play unfair! If you have more than 1 blog, you can participate all your blogs for this tag. BUT you will have to post this tag to all your blogs as well. So, please. Don't cheat!
6. Please come back again to copy the update of the master list, often. This process will help new participants to get the same gains as the first participants.
7. Don't forget to use the banner at your post, you can save as or you can just copy the code in here.

Master List :

A. Asia : 1. Moms... Check Nyo (Philippines) 2. Aeirin's Collections (Philippines) 3. Jenny and Belle(Philippines) 4. Hailey's Beats and Bits (Philippines) 5. Appleofmyeyes(Saudi Arabia) 6. Deranged Insanity (Philippines) 7. your turn

B. Australia : 1. your turn

C. Afrika : 1. your turn

D. North Amerika : 1. Simple Life, Simply Me (USA) 2. Pinaymama's Diary (USA) 3. 3 Garnets & 2 Sapphires (United States) 4.Traipsey Turvey (USA) 5. Dabawenyako (USA) 6. Icelog (USA) 7. your turn

E. South Amerika : 1. your turn

F. Europe : 1. My Imaginary Travels (Netherlands) 2. Juliana's Site (Netherlands) 3. Picturing of Life (Netherlands) 4. your turn

G. Antarctica : 1. your turn

~ End Copy ~
Can the following blogger friends travel with me?
Gie2, Kate, Annaberly, Catherine, Darlene, Jeypriey, Kai, Purple, Raine, Vicy, Yaya & Thea

Sunday, June 22, 2008

The Fabric of Your Life

It's poem time again. I would like to share this one which I have found from one of my books that I sometimes read for relaxation.

The Fabric of Your Life

from Linda Zimmerman

The fabric of your life is what
Makes you what you are
Some people leave a mark
Some leave a scar.
Parents who love you
Day by day and guide
Your steps along the way.
Grandparents who love you for who you are,
Whether they live near or very far.
With brothers and sisters, you share so much.
Love and arguments are part of growing up.
Uncles and aunts, neighbors and friends,
Preachers and teachers, employers, too,
All have a part In making you, "you".
More important than all of these,
Is the one who you can call whenever you please,
Whether standing tall or down on your knees.
Out on your own, away from home,
He's closer than Mom on the phone.
His plans have been in place
Before anyone looked upon your face.
Let God guide you through each day.
He will weave a beautiful tapestry
Out of the fabrics of your life
And that tapestry is You!


Ok, let's talk about techy stuff. It's good to be informed about things like this once in a while. Women are becoming powerful players in business nowadays so why not talk about things relating to business?

Now, do you know about SugarCRM? According to Corratech, an open source software consultant that installs, maintains and manages this product, it is a Customer Relations Management software. This kind of software is needed by businesses to meet its requirements on marketing, sales and support areas of the business. In other words, anything that pertains to building good relations with customers.