Thursday, June 26, 2008

Excercise..Be Wise!

Tonight, I'm here again in front of my computer blogging. I'm so guilty of not exercising regularly. Before, I used to dance in the morning before I go to work. Funny but that's the only way I can have time to flex my muscles and be active. Last year, I started to go to the gym but I got lazy and work came in the way so I just stopped.

Anyway, to those who are able to maintain or make it a point to maintain an exercise routine, I am so impressed. Everybody knows that exercise is good for the body and actually makes you happy. So what are the benefits of exercise? These are the things I believe are the benefits.

* Increase strength
* Longevity
* fight chronic disease and health conditions
* maintain healthy weight
* relieve stress
* more self-confidence
* slow aging

So, we should get up and moving. I should walk tomorrow or go to the gym. I don't know, I'm just so lazy these days. Bad, bad, bad...See the picture below. I, for sure, wouldn't want to be like the person in the car if ever I have a pet.

found at spacedust

1 comment:

drfnbtch said...

nyahaha! nice pic. i also took gym classes last year. was very active for a couple of months -- and trhe results are just... magnificent. but then, life intervened. working 25 hours at times, or 8 days a week. deym. i hope to regain the passion in exercise i once had. good times.
